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Tag: Harassament Page 2

Recent media coverage related to sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior in the workplace has lawmakers paying attention. Now, there are efforts underway to put an end to employers forcing employees to arbitrate matters related to sexual harassment out of court. For years, employers have built clauses into employment contracts requiring arbitration and other alternative dispute […]

Inappropriate behavior in the workplace has been a hot topic in the news lately, but calling attention to the trend can only go so far when it comes to your own personal situation. Every employer is responsible for providing employees with a safe, professional, and well-functioning workplace. Companies need to have policies in place that […]

One of the most important things you can do if you are struggling with harassment at work is to keep a log of events. Why Should You Keep a Written Record of Harassment? Many claims of harassment come down to your word against your harasser’s version of things, which means the more credible your story […]

There are numerous different types of harassment that can occur within a workplace. It’s possible for employees to be harassed based on a variety of factors and one of them is religion. According to the EEOC, there are two different types of religious harassment. The first occurs when an employee is forced to abandon or […]

Despite laws in place to protect employees against discrimination and harassment in the workplace, there are still people who don’t report their experiences because they are afraid of what could happen to them. Consider the recent developments in Hollywood. Several actresses have come forward with sexual harassment allegations years after the experiences occurred. Many of […]

Being harassed on the job is one of the worst things that can happen as an employee. When that harassment is sexual in nature, it can feel even worse. Your first instinct might be to give your notice and run in the other direction – completely understandable because nobody wants to feel victimized when they […]

In an effort to spread the word and educate employees about their protections under the city’s Human Rights Law, New York has launched a print advertising campaign concerning the law. The ad campaign is an effort to educate workers in the city about their rights and includes more than 2000 placards located in subways and […]

Domestic violence happens in the home, but it affects every aspect of a victim’s life. This is especially true when it comes to work. Someone who is being abused by someone in their home might find it difficult to function in the workplace. Even if they manage the emotional aspects of their abuse, there are […]

Sexual harassment occurs more frequently than employers like to admit, but it is one of the most difficult accusations for an employee to prove. In many instances of sexual harassment, there are only two people present when the event occurs. This means cases are often an issue of “he said she said,” which puts both […]

What Should I Do About an Abusive Client?

If you are abused in the workplace you have a right to take action. If a co-worker or supervisor says or does something inappropriate, your employer is responsible for disciplining that person and taking action to make your work environment non-threatening. If the abuse continues, you can pursue legal action against the company. But what […]


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