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Harassment Page 4

Harrassment attorneys in New York

The New York State Division of Human Rights (“NYSDHR”) released the final version of the new sexual harassment policy, along with training guidelines, on October 1, 2018 and the new, updated policy took effect on October 9, 2018. The final policy contains some changes from the earlier proposed version, most notable however, is that employers […]

Hostile Work Environment The workplace can be a tumultuous place where we must deal with demanding bosses, moody co-workers, and difficult customers or clients. The price employees pay for financial security is enough to give anyone a headache, but what happens when a not-so-pleasant situation turns into one that is downright hostile? What does it […]

Within the last six years, at least 1,000 New York State government employees have made sexual harassment complaints regarding incidents in the workplace. According to a recent Politico report, New York State taxpayers have paid at least $6.4 million for settlements connected to these complaints since 2012. This amount is comprised of 54 cases settled for a […]

Recent media coverage related to sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior in the workplace has lawmakers paying attention. Now, there are efforts underway to put an end to employers forcing employees to arbitrate matters related to sexual harassment out of court. For years, employers have built clauses into employment contracts requiring arbitration and other alternative dispute […]

Inappropriate behavior in the workplace has been a hot topic in the news lately, but calling attention to the trend can only go so far when it comes to your own personal situation. Every employer is responsible for providing employees with a safe, professional, and well-functioning workplace. Companies need to have policies in place that […]

One of the most important things you can do if you are struggling with harassment at work is to keep a log of events. Why Should You Keep a Written Record of Harassment? Many claims of harassment come down to your word against your harasser’s version of things, which means the more credible your story […]

Title VII protects employees from discrimination in the workplace based on sex, race, national origin, and religion, but it remains unclear what protection from “sex” discrimination really means. As it turns out, this topic is presently being hotly debated, with many calling for the protected class to encompass one’s sexual orientation, rather than just gender. […]

There are numerous different types of harassment that can occur within a workplace. It’s possible for employees to be harassed based on a variety of factors and one of them is religion. According to the EEOC, there are two different types of religious harassment. The first occurs when an employee is forced to abandon or […]

Most people understand that many forms of harassment are illegal in the workplace, but they might not be aware that laws regarding harassment might also apply to the mental or emotional variety. Mental or emotional harassment, better known as workplace bullying, occurs when someone is threatened, intimidated, humiliated or otherwise verbally abused in a way […]

Being harassed on the job is one of the worst things that can happen as an employee. When that harassment is sexual in nature, it can feel even worse. Your first instinct might be to give your notice and run in the other direction – completely understandable because nobody wants to feel victimized when they […]


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