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Harassment Page 4

Harrassment attorneys in New York

Title VII protects employees from discrimination in the workplace based on sex, race, national origin, and religion, but it remains unclear what protection from “sex” discrimination really means. As it turns out, this topic is presently being hotly debated, with many calling for the protected class to encompass one’s sexual orientation, rather than just gender. […]

There are numerous different types of harassment that can occur within a workplace. It’s possible for employees to be harassed based on a variety of factors and one of them is religion. According to the EEOC, there are two different types of religious harassment. The first occurs when an employee is forced to abandon or […]

Most people understand that many forms of harassment are illegal in the workplace, but they might not be aware that laws regarding harassment might also apply to the mental or emotional variety. Mental or emotional harassment, better known as workplace bullying, occurs when someone is threatened, intimidated, humiliated or otherwise verbally abused in a way […]

Being harassed on the job is one of the worst things that can happen as an employee. When that harassment is sexual in nature, it can feel even worse. Your first instinct might be to give your notice and run in the other direction – completely understandable because nobody wants to feel victimized when they […]

In an effort to spread the word and educate employees about their protections under the city’s Human Rights Law, New York has launched a print advertising campaign concerning the law. The ad campaign is an effort to educate workers in the city about their rights and includes more than 2000 placards located in subways and […]

Problems in the workplace come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, there are times when workplace issues are so severe they are illegal. This is the case with violent actions and certain types of harassment. If you are being touched in the workplace – violently or sexually – or you are being discriminated against based […]

Sexual harassment can be one of the most devastating experiences to have in the workplace. In addition to making it difficult to perform your job duties, you also might feel as if your personal safety is under attack. The good news is you have a right to protect yourself and take legal action regarding sexual […]

Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. It is a type of sex discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is not something any employee should be forced to accept or tolerate, nor is it a “part of the job” or “the price of getting ahead.” Both men […]

Sexual harassment issues at work can be some of the most difficult and challenging to deal with. In addition to facing a work environment that makes you uncomfortable – and in some cases downright frightened – you also need to worry about your professional reputation. Sadly and all too often, victims of sexual harassment are […]

Sexual harassment occurs more frequently than employers like to admit, but it is one of the most difficult accusations for an employee to prove. In many instances of sexual harassment, there are only two people present when the event occurs. This means cases are often an issue of “he said she said,” which puts both […]


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