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General Employment Law Page 52

New York Whistleblower Laws

According to the New York Whistleblower Laws, a whistleblower is an employee who “tells” on an employer, because he or she is reasonably sure that the employer committed an illegal act. A whistleblower may uncover financial fraud, health mistreatment, environmental violations, or anything else that is against public policy or law. Federal acts and statutes […]

Common knowledge says that older employees have more experience and leadership skills than younger ones. Nevertheless, many employers see older workers as also having more problems with health, taking more time off, and being less active and ambitious. Surveys show that in New York age discrimination begins when job seekers are in their late thirties. […]


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Suite 205
Garden City, NY 11530
Tel: 516-248-5550
Fax: 516-248-6027

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Suite 1821
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-679-5000
Fax: 212-679-5005