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General Employment Law Page 40

Good news for workers on Long Island. Effective December 31, 2017, the minimum wage on Long Island will increase from $10.00 to $11.00 for 2018. For fast food workers, the minimum wage on Long Island will increase from $10.75 to $11.75. The law also requires employers to post a notice issued by the Department of […]

Right-to-work laws do not literally give someone the “right to work.” Rather, they prohibit union security agreements in the workplace. This means that in states that have these laws, employees that have a union in their workplace are not required to pay, as a condition of employment, any union dues or agency (also called fair-share) […]

Title VII protects employees from discrimination in the workplace based on sex, race, national origin, and religion, but it remains unclear what protection from “sex” discrimination really means. As it turns out, this topic is presently being hotly debated, with many calling for the protected class to encompass one’s sexual orientation, rather than just gender. […]

Patrick McMahon v. New York Organ Donor Network, Index No: 156669/2012 The New York Organ Donor Network is trying to block a judge’s order to release medical records to a whistleblower who claims the group pushed hospital staff to declare patients brain dead so their body parts could be harvested. Patrick McMahon, is a nurse […]

There are numerous different types of harassment that can occur within a workplace. It’s possible for employees to be harassed based on a variety of factors and one of them is religion. According to the EEOC, there are two different types of religious harassment. The first occurs when an employee is forced to abandon or […]

New Collective Action filed in the Eastern District of New YorkLuis A. Rosario v. Baldwin Tavern Inc. d/b/a/ Kitty O’Hara, et al. Docket No: 17-cv-5879-SJF-ARL On October 6, 2017, Lead Plaintiff Luis A. Rosario, on behalf of himself and those similarly situated, filed a collective action lawsuit in United States District Court – Eastern District […]

New Collective Action filed in the Eastern District of New YorkYoselin Del Rosario Lopez De Paz v. Troy Nurseries, Inc., et al. Docket No: 17-cv-6622-LDW-ARL On November 13, 2017, lead Plaintiff Yoselin Del Rosario Lopez De Paz, on behalf of herself and those similarly situated, filed a collective action lawsuit in the United States District Court […]

Despite laws in place to protect employees against discrimination and harassment in the workplace, there are still people who don’t report their experiences because they are afraid of what could happen to them. Consider the recent developments in Hollywood. Several actresses have come forward with sexual harassment allegations years after the experiences occurred. Many of […]

Most people understand that many forms of harassment are illegal in the workplace, but they might not be aware that laws regarding harassment might also apply to the mental or emotional variety. Mental or emotional harassment, better known as workplace bullying, occurs when someone is threatened, intimidated, humiliated or otherwise verbally abused in a way […]

In an effort to spread the word and educate employees about their protections under the city’s Human Rights Law, New York has launched a print advertising campaign concerning the law. The ad campaign is an effort to educate workers in the city about their rights and includes more than 2000 placards located in subways and […]


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