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General Employment Law Page 11

Unfairly Fired

Being unfairly fired from your job is a difficult experience. This is even more so if you believe you’re a victim of wrongful termination. Depending on the situation, there may be steps that you can take to receive the compensation and justice to which you are entitled. If you think you have been wrongfully dismissed, […]

Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) has arrived, and with its increased efficiency, heightened consistency, and more intelligent decision-making, comes all of the bad. If it seems you woke up one day and suddenly AI was everywhere, you are not alone.  Seemingly overnight, the world was inundated with talks about AI-generated art, AI being used for security purposes, […]

employment rights

As an employee, you must be aware of your rights in the workplace. Knowing what you are entitled to can help protect you against any potential violations of your rights. The following list outlines seven employment rights that many employees may not know they have. 1. Right to Privacy in Your Workplace Your employer cannot […]

HWS AI in the Hiring Process

The presence of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) has been expanding rapidly in our modern world, from the creepy robot vacuum that blocks the cereal aisle at the supermarket to self-driving Teslas.  Among concerns that AI is taking jobs away from human workers, there are those using AI to place human employees in jobs.  At some companies, […]

New York Employment Laws 2022

new york employment laws 2022

Recently, a bill was introduced in the New York City Council that would make it illegal for employers to fire most employees without a good reason. This is an important development because it provides greater job security for workers and ensures that the laws hold employers accountable for their actions. What should you know about […]

The recent New York City Pay Transparency law requires covered New York City employers to post the salary or salary range for jobs that can or will be performed in New York City, either in office or remotely.  Employees who report violations of the new law may receive monetary damages if affected.  Further, the New […]

New Action filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York County of Suffolk On October 27th, 2022, Plaintiff Spirio, by and through her attorneys, BORRELLI & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., as and for her Complaint against KING-O’ROURKE CADILLAC, INC. (“Defendant”) alleges upon knowledge as to herself and her own actions and upon information and […]

disabled workers

Are you wondering what rights you have if you have a disability? Can an employer refuse to hire someone with a disability or terminate an employee who develops a disability once they’re employed? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the workplace. This includes job applicants, current employees, […]

sexual harassment claim

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious problem that has a lasting impact on victims. If you are dealing with sexual harassment at your job, you may be considering filing a claim against your employer. There are some things you can do to strengthen it to give your claim the best chance of success. […]

NYPD Marijuana Policies

Since 2016, marijuana use in New York has been legal for limited medical purposes.  In 2021, following legislation signed into law by the outgoing Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York — the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (“MRTA”) — became the 15th state, along with the District of Colombia, to legalize marijuana for recreational use.  According […]


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