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Discrimination Page 6

Employment DiscriminationFederal, state and local laws prohibit discrimination in the form of any adverse employment action or hostile work environment based upon race, color, creed, color, military status, religion, sex, disability, national origin, age, sexual orientation, predisposing genetic characteristics or marital status.

A job interview is one of the most stressful parts of job hunting. Despite the excitement and opportunity of being offered the job, the initial stages of meeting a potential employer and making a good impression are tough. The last thing anyone wants is more stress from inappropriate or illegal questions during the interview. Everyone […]

Title VII protects employees from discrimination in the workplace based on sex, race, national origin, and religion, but it remains unclear what protection from “sex” discrimination really means. As it turns out, this topic is presently being hotly debated, with many calling for the protected class to encompass one’s sexual orientation, rather than just gender. […]

In an effort to spread the word and educate employees about their protections under the city’s Human Rights Law, New York has launched a print advertising campaign concerning the law. The ad campaign is an effort to educate workers in the city about their rights and includes more than 2000 placards located in subways and […]

Domestic violence happens in the home, but it affects every aspect of a victim’s life. This is especially true when it comes to work. Someone who is being abused by someone in their home might find it difficult to function in the workplace. Even if they manage the emotional aspects of their abuse, there are […]

If a person has a disability, he or she might be eligible to bring a service animal into the workplace for assistance and support. Service animals are specially trained dogs that help people with emotional and physical disabilities. Your right to bring a service animal with you to your workplace is covered under the Title […]

Pregnancy and the Workplace

Pregnancy is typically thought of as a happy occasion and telling co-workers you are pregnant might be one of the most exciting things you do after sharing the news with family and friends. Unfortunately for some women, though, the opposite is true. They dread telling their co-workers and employer they are pregnant and even today, […]

Employees are protected from workplace discrimination based on a variety of factors, including their age. As long as someone is able to perform his or her job duties, laws protect against negative treatment based on age. Age-related discrimination is illegal under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”). Age discrimination can be obvious, but it […]

Employment Discrimination is one of the most common issues that arise in the workplace. Most workplaces have a great deal of diversity among co-workers and unfortunately, some employers find it difficult to adhere to the laws that are in place to protect staff. Thousands of people are affected every year by discrimination in the workplace […]

The Americans with Disabilities (ADA) law ensures employees are protected in the workplace and accommodated by their employer when they are working with a disability. In most cases, if an employee asks for a certain accommodation, his or her employer is required by law to it. If the employee fails to make a request, an […]

Religious freedom is protected under the US Constitution, as well as several state and federal laws that protect against specific actions in the workplace that could constitute religious discrimination. This means that anyone who feels attacked, targeted, or treated differently because of his or her religion has the right to take legal action against his […]


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