Firm represented a female staff member against her former employer for sex discrimination and retaliation. Plaintiff alleged that defendants discriminated against her due to her sex by subjecting her to a hostile work environment and then retaliated against her for complaining about that discrimination by, inter alia, demoting her, decreasing her pay, and closely scrutinizing her daily activities, all of which led to terminating her employment, all in Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the New York State Human Rights Law. After filing a complaint of discrimination with the New York State of Division of Human Rights, dually filed with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Division of Human Rights found probable cause for her complaint. The Parties consented to a private mediation and shortly thereafter, the case concluded in a pre-litigation settlement in the amount $165,000.00. Anthony P. Consiglio handled the matter for the Firm.