CALL: 516-248-5550
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516- ABOGADO (226-4236)

$135,000.00 –Sexual Harassment, Retaliation, Whistleblowing and Wage-related Claims

how to handle sexual harassment in the workplace January 2024

Firm represented a female staff member against her former employer for egregious hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended , and the New York State Human Rights Law  and the New York City Human Rights Law , Sections 215 and 740 of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”) and potentially other related state and federal whistleblower statutes, as well as wage-theft related claims under Sections 191(1)(d), 195(1), and 195 (3) of the NYLL.  After sending a demand letter and engaging in contentious negotiations, the parties agreed to mediate the case resulting in a settlement in the amount of $135,000.00.  Michael J. Borrelli handled the matter for the Firm.


910 Franklin Avenue
Suite 205
Garden City, NY 11530
Tel: 516-248-5550
Fax: 516-248-6027

655 Third Avenue
Suite 1821
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-679-5000
Fax: 212-679-5005