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Law Blog Page 9

reaction to harassment

Firm represented a male staff member against his former employer for egregious hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (“Title VII”), and the New York State Human Rights Law (“NYSHRL”). After sending a demand letter and engaging in negotiations did not […]

Section 215 of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”) creates a cause of action for employees who are discriminated or retaliating against for making a complaint regarding a reasonable and good faith belief that there is a violation of the NYLL.  A good faith complaint regarding a violation of the NYLL can include, but is […]

Firm Secures Judgment in the amount of $135,000.00 – Wage & Hour Violations – Firm represented a collective group of former employees against 1701 Pizza LTD d/b/a Luigi’s Pizza, and Salvatore Romano, individually, and Luigi Romano, individually, a New York corporation that operates a Manhattan Pizzeria restaurant and its two owners and day-to-day overseers, for […]

$400,000.00 – Race Discrimination & Hostile Work Environment – Firm represented an African American male employee against his former employer for egregious hostile work environment and race discrimination, collectively in violation of Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the New […]

March 31, 2023 was the second anniversary of New York State passing the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (“MRTA”), which legalized the recreational use of marijuana by adults and prohibited employers from conducting non-federally mandated drug testing employees for marijuana.  The MRTA was impactful with game-changing rippling effects, so a recap is more than needed. […]

$425,000.00 – Disability Discrimination Case

disabled workers

Firm represented a female staff member against her former employer for disability discrimination in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law. After sending a demand letter and engaging in mediation, the Firm negotiated a settlement of $425,000.00. Alexander […]

Firm represented a Facility Administrator against her former employer for disability discrimination and retaliation, collectively in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the New York State Human Rights Law, the New York Paid Family Leave Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law, as well as retaliation under the Family and […]

how do you prove discrimination in the workplace

Discrimination in the workplace can be a traumatizing experience for employees. It can significantly affect their mental health and have serious repercussions on their career. But how do you prove discrimination in the workplace if you believe it occurred or you’ve been affected? Employers are expected to create a safe work environment where each employee […]

do NY employment laws apply to out-of-state employees

New York has some of the most comprehensive employment laws in the country. However, if you live outside of New York and work remotely, you may be wondering if those employment laws apply to you. What should you know about whether or not New York employment laws apply to out-of-state employees? There is no straightforward […]

Comparator Requirement

Generally, to prove a claim for unlawful harassment under various statutes such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the New York State Humans Rights Law (“NYSHRL”), and the New York City Human Rights Law (“NYCHRL”), there […]


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Tel: 516-248-5550
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New York, NY 10017
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