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Law Blog Page 19


The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act protects employees from a sudden and unexpected loss of employment unrelated to their own negligence. Most employers cannot terminate or lay off employees without advanced notice that allows time to search for alternative employment. In most cases, the WARN Act applies to employers that intend to downsize […]

electronic monitoring

It’s been approximately a month since New York State passed its law requiring employers to provide written notice of electronic employee monitoring. According to the new law, employers must notify employees if they will monitor email, telephone, or internet access and/or usage. The law is set to take effect in early May 2022. What should […]

Image of Pawn Shop sign

Judge grants Conditional Certification of Collective Action in the Southern District of New York Hiciano v. Joyeria Elizabeth I, Corp., and Joyeria Elizabeth II, Corp., and Joyeria Elizabeth III, Corp., and Joyeria Elizabeth IV, corp., and Thomas Izaquirre, individually, and Michelle Izaquirre, individually, Civil Case No.:21-cv-4508-VEC As previously reported on this website, in Duran v. […]

missed payroll

Chances are if you work for a large employer you won’t need to worry about getting paid your wages. Even when large companies struggle financially, there are tools in place to prevent employees from not being paid for their work. There’s no guarantee you won’t be laid off in times of financial strife. However, chances […]


Most of the time, when you voluntarily leave your job you forfeit your eligibility for unemployment benefits. However, there are exceptions. Like millions of Americans, if you’ve recently considered quitting your job, here’s what you need to know about your unemployment rights. What Qualifies You for Unemployment? First and foremost, if you lose your job […]

New York’s Anti-SLAPP Amendment

New York’s Anti-SLAPP Amendment

One year ago this month, New York expanded a law to regulate defamation claims using an amendment to the State’s already standing anti-SLAPP (anti-strategic litigation against public participation) law.  The amendment was instituted to discourage nuisance-based defamation claims and lawsuits, primarily made to harass, annoy, or require a defendant to incur legal fees, when the […]

New York Paid Family Leave Expanded to Care for Siblings

For years, many New Yorkers have faced the strenuous decision of choosing between caring for the health and well-being of siblings versus the paycheck that could financially support their families.  Since the inception of the New York Paid Family Leave Policy in 2016, which was put in effect in 2018, New Yorkers have been protected […]

Fewer industries have been impacted harder by the COVID-19 pandemic than hotels. After nineteen months of quarantines, stay-at-home orders, and millions of Americans suddenly without a job, travel and hotel customer rates have faced a steep decline. Americans are more hesitant than ever to travel, and a shortage of customers necessarily places millions of jobs […]


It’s perfectly legal to receive compensation from your employer in cash. It’s fast and convenient, so even employees without bank accounts can receive payment for their work. However, cash payments trigger questions and complications. You and your employer must both report payments and wages on their state and federal tax documents. Failing to do so […]


Most people consider unemployment a financial tool available to help them if they lose their job. But what happens if your income drastically changes because of demotion? You might still have a job, but if you aren’t able to make ends meet because your income drops, is unemployment compensation available? In most cases, the answer […]


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