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Law Blog Page 14

Firm represented two former technicians against their former employer, a Nassau County-based cell tower and generator service company for damages and equitable relief based upon Defendants’ violations of Plaintiffs rights guaranteed by: (i) the prevailing wage provisions of the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”), NYLL § 220(3)(a), based on common law status as a third-party […]

Toribio, et al. v. Feldor Billiards, Inc, et al., Case No :153384/2014 Firm represents Toribio, one plaintiff among a group of service employees against their former employer, Feldor Billiards, Inc., d/b/a Fat Cat Billiards, and Noah Sapir, an individual, and Charles H. Berg, an individual, and Ben Gee, an individual, for non-payment of tips voluntarily […]

hostile work environment

Working in a hostile work environment is never easy. Problems range from subtle behaviors that make you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable to outright discriminatory, harassing, or bullying behavior. If you’ve been subjected to hostility or discrimination in your work environment and want to seek compensation for the violation of your rights, it’s important to know […]

New York Employment Laws 2022

new york employment laws 2022

Recently, a bill was introduced in the New York City Council that would make it illegal for employers to fire most employees without a good reason. This is an important development because it provides greater job security for workers and ensures that the laws hold employers accountable for their actions. What should you know about […]

The recent New York City Pay Transparency law requires covered New York City employers to post the salary or salary range for jobs that can or will be performed in New York City, either in office or remotely.  Employees who report violations of the new law may receive monetary damages if affected.  Further, the New […]

Firm represented three former employees against their former employer, a well-known national fitness chain for egregious hostile work environment, sexual harassment, and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (“Title VII”), the New York State Human Rights Law, the New York Labor Law along with allegations of […]

New Action filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York County of Suffolk On October 27th, 2022, Plaintiff Spirio, by and through her attorneys, BORRELLI & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., as and for her Complaint against KING-O’ROURKE CADILLAC, INC. (“Defendant”) alleges upon knowledge as to herself and her own actions and upon information and […]

$335,000.00 – Wage and Hour Violations – Firm represented a customer service/office assistant against his former employer, an auto repair shop, for unpaid and overtime wages guaranteed to him by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and the New York Labor Law (“NYLL”).  After sending a demand letter and engaging in […]

Landaverde v. Frank Marando Landscape

New Action filed in the United States District Court Southern District of New York Landaverde et. al v. Frank Marando Landscape, Inc., d/b/a Marando Landscaping, and Marando Group, LTD., d/b/a Marando Landscaping, and Frank Marando, individually and Joseph Marando, individually, Index No.:22-cv-7585 On September 6th, 2022, Plaintiff Landaverde, on behalf of himself, individually, and on […]

disabled workers

Are you wondering what rights you have if you have a disability? Can an employer refuse to hire someone with a disability or terminate an employee who develops a disability once they’re employed? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the workplace. This includes job applicants, current employees, […]


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